About the PESCA Project
The Overall Objective and specific Objectives
The overall objective of this action is to increase Nile tilapia and African catfish productivity and production with a view of contributing to a competitive, job-intensive, environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient agriculture sector in Uganda
- To improve the quality of fish seed used by smallholders and commercial fish farmers through improved broodstock
- Increase the output, access, supply and use of quality fish seed amongst smallholder and commercial fish farmers
- To improve the quality, cost-effectiveness and management of formulated feeds based on locally produced improved crop varieties and non-conventional animal protein sources
- To identify and map at least 5 High Potential Aquaculture Zones (HPAZs) in the different Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZs)
- To test and optimise different production systems for transformation of smallholder farmers to commercial farmers in at least 3 AEZs of Uganda
- To establish an aquaculture training hub for out-growers and extension workers at NARO - Aquaculture Research & Development Centre Kajjansi
The Project Expected Outputs
- Improved quality of broodstock (F2 generation) for seed multipliers -20,000
- Improved output, access, supply and use of quality fish seed by at least 30% smallholder fish farmers
- At least one (01) locally available improved grain legume and one cereal grain identified as appropriate fish feed ingredient
- At least two (02) technologies for reduction of anti-nutritional factors in plant-based fish feeds developed
- At least four (04) fish feed formulations for production of cost-effective fish feeds developed
- Protocol for quality fish feed production, handling and management developed; and a policy brief on fish feed production and management developed
- At least three (03) GIS Map of HPAZs in the different AEZs developed to guide investment in sustainable aquaculture
- At least two (02) production systems tested and optimized for use in the transformation of smallholder to commercial farmers for Nile tilapia and African catfish production
- At least one (01) pond and one (01) cage aquaculture production system demonstration site in the identified HPAZs established
- At least two (02) enterprise budgets for production of Nile tilapia and African catfish in ponds and cages in the identified HPAZs in the different AEZs developed
- At least 600 fish farmers and 100 extension staff trained annually in aquaculture Best Management Practices
- Manuals for seed, feed production and BMPs developed, and at least 300 copies of each of these manuals printed and distributed to guide farmers, feed producers, extension staff, DAMD, training institutions and other scientists.
HPAZs At least 5 High Potential Aquaculture Zones (HPAZs) in the different Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZs) identified and mapped .
Fish feed formulations At least four (04) fish feed formulations for production of cost-effective fish feeds developed
Months of project Implementation The project will implemented in twenty four months starting January 2020 to Decemeber 2021 plus 12 months of no-cost extension ending December 2022
Districts of Uganda The project will be implemented the selected 35 districts of Uganda
Target groups and beneficiaries
Target groups
PESCA Project in Pictures
These are pictures taken during the implementation of the Project
- All
- Rennovations
- Field Data
- Project Progress
This PESCA project is beiing implemented by a competent team of Research scientists stationed at Aquaculture Research & Development Centre Kajjansi
Namulawa Victoria (PhD)
Senior Principal Research Officer/Project CoordinatorAtukunda Gertrude (PhD)
Senior Research Officer/Principal InvestigatorAruho Cassius (PhD)
Senior Research ScientistNkambo Mujibu (PhD)
Senior Research ScientistEng. Byaruhanga Godfrey
Aquaculture Systems Designer/EngineerAanyu Margaret (PhD)
Principal Research OfficerAgoe Catherine (Mrs)
Research OfficerOpio Denis (Mr.)
Research OfficerDdungu Richard (Mr)
Research OfficerContact Us
Kajjansi Aquaculture Research and Development Centre
off along Entebbe RD