• 1 The livelihoods of fishers are fishing, fish processing and trade but are now limited due to
    decline in the quantity and variety of fish associated with changes in climate and other stressors
  • 2 Satellite images from UNEP show that Lake Wamala shrunk to about one half its area between 1984 and 1995
    and increased between 1995 and 2008 but has not fully recovered with water gauges still on land by 2013
  • 3 Climate variability and change is causing floods and drought, affecting circulations of oxygen and
    nutrients in water, productivity processes, fish, crop and livestock production and livelihoods
  • 4 Plant and animal food of fishes is dominated by types that survive under low oxygen and
    unpredictable nutrient conditions
  • 5 The composition of fishes has shifted from dominance of tilapias to the African catfish and lungfish
    which are tolerant to low oxygen conditions and can adjust to the changed food conditions
  • 1 Cultivation to the edge of the water, extensive harvesting of papyrus, and spraying of pesticides
    exposes the water to siltation and contamination and should be managed in accordance with existing laws
  • 2 Communities have adapted to the changes in fisheries by exploiting emerging fishes
    like the African catfish and the lungfish, growing crops and grazing livestock in the lakeside areas
  • 3 Communities have adapted to drought by practicing irrigation and this is being
    promoted by introducing more effective and affordable systems like manual irrigation pumps
  • 4 More innovative communities around Lake Wamala have increased their income beyond fishing
    by diversifying to high values crops like pineapples, tomatoes, oranges and other horticultural crops
  • 5 Mr Swabi, although still fishing has diversified to crop farming, chicken and zero grazing cattle
    and practices drip irrigation during drought and has even been able to acquire a motorcycle
  • 1 Mr Lule has hang up his nets and diversified to pineapples and livestock and
    has been able to purchase a pick-up van for marketing his crops
  • 2 Some communities around Lake Kawi have diversified to high value crops, keeping a variety of livestock
    and collect water from roof tops for watering crops but to a lesser extent than Wamala
  • 3 The impacts of climate variability and change and contamination of the water can be reduced
    by planting appropriate trees in lakeside zones and preserving the papyrus fringes
  • 4 The communities are being sensitized on these impacts and adaptation strategies to increase their resilience
    to impacts of climate variability and change and sustain their livelihoods

Equipping Small Scale Fishers and Riparian Communities with Adaptation Strategies to Cope with Impacts of Climate Veriability and Change

Climate variability and change is increasing and affecting productivity of natural resources including fisheries and fishery livelihoods. The National Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) of the National Agriculture Research Organization (NARO) with support from The Rockefeller Foundation is implementing a pilot study on lakes Wamala in Central Uganda and Kawi in North Eastern Uganda to develop tools that can be applied by small scale fisher, lake and riverside communities to adapt to impacts of climate variability and change, increase resilience and sustain livelihoods under a changing climate.   The study examines how climate parameters, production processes and livelihoods have changed, how these have adapted to the changes; The institutions, governance systems, policies, regulations available to address the changes; and Increasing awareness. Here, we provide some observations of the pilot study.

Lake Wamala

Lake Kawi